HTTP History In 1989, the hypertext transfer protocol have been invented. HTTP/1.1 has been released in 1997 and took the longest pause in evolution. In 2015, Google has redrafted its inhouse SPDY protocol to HTTP/2 to optimize the web page load time. HTTP/1.1 Pitfalls Too heavy and big protocol. Too many parts have been added as optional led to complicating the protocols with less of usage. Since HTTP1.1 release, web technology have seen tremendous change. Page size has been increased to MBs, the number to pages increased manifolds and parallel components making HTTP calls increased too. Each HTTP request has a separate TCP connection and its handshake does add to page load time. Head of line blocking has slowed the page load. We can have a maximum 8 parallel connection to the same domain. Due to increase in multiple components making separate HTTP calls, this has been a bottleneck. HTTP/2 Solution Binary framing layer: HTTP/1.1 was text-only messaging, which wa...
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