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Scaling application

 We all wish that our application used by maximum people on Earth. To make sure we have the right scalable application, please follow below guidelines 

1. Load balancing at all level of application i.e. web server, application server and DB server

2. Remote caching to be enabled for a fast response. 

3. Load balancer will equally distribute the traffic to existing servers, what if enough capacity is not enough. We should have a mechanism to increase the server capacity (esp horizontally ).  All the cloud service provider has provision for autoscaling, so do Kubernetes.  Use them. 

4. Most of the NoSQL DB comes with good support for horizontal scalability. So if you chosse NoSQL you can easily scale them. But if your application requires RDBMS (SQL) then plan should be with sharding in place. 

5. Server should be stateless. Any server should be able to serve an incoming request. No local storage, no IP binding. Having said newly added server will start serving instantly. 

6. CI and CD should be used to deploy the application node instantly for capacity increase. 

7. Test and monitor of application should be placed well in case the new version does play a spoilsport. We should be comb off and revert to a stable version.  A monitor will alert for issues earlier and can prompt for face-saving action. :)

8. DB Query optimization using index 

9. Using async operation for network/ server issues. It provides scalability to receiving application. A reactive approach to application development will be highly scalable. 

10. Use containerization to reduce deployment surprises between env and existing orchestration tools provide better support for scaling. 

Refer for more details. 


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