We have developed a video-conferencing application. As being a normal startup and urgency to hit the market, we have not thought about scalability, technical stack support, fast production rollout.
So we had planned to move our monolith application from microservice architecture.
Today I will talk about our journey through it. I will try to cover basic concepts regarding microservice and will try to explain how we have achieved it.
MICROSERVICE: It's smaller broken relatable functionality of your application. What should be the ideal size of this functionality is still a bone of contention. While we have several advantages like faster production rollout, independent module development with various tech support and scalability inbuilt, it can have some issues network communication, too many components to manage and a complex architecture to understand and debug.
So we had planned to move our monolith application from microservice architecture.
Today I will talk about our journey through it. I will try to cover basic concepts regarding microservice and will try to explain how we have achieved it.
MICROSERVICE: It's smaller broken relatable functionality of your application. What should be the ideal size of this functionality is still a bone of contention. While we have several advantages like faster production rollout, independent module development with various tech support and scalability inbuilt, it can have some issues network communication, too many components to manage and a complex architecture to understand and debug.
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