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Showing posts from 2013

Find a number in a rotated sorted array.

Here is program i wrote #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void rotateArray( int *a , int size, int rotation) { int len = size; if (len < rotation ) return; int *temp = new int [rotation]; int i = 0; int temp_index = 0; for ( i = len-rotation; i < len;i++) temp[temp_index++] = a[i]; for ( i = len-rotation -1;  i>=0; i--) a[i+rotation] = a[i]; for ( i = 0; i < rotation;i++) a[i] = temp[i]; delete temp; } void search( int *a, int size, int number) { int low = 0; int high = size -1; while (low <= high) { int mid = low+(high - low)/2; if ( number == a[mid] ) { cout<<"Got number @"<<mid<<endl; return; } if ( a[low] < a[mid]) //Lower part sorted { if ( a[mid] > number && a[low] <= number ) high = mid-1; else low = mid+1; } else //Upper part sorted { if ( a[mid] < number && a[high] ...

Adding two number wihtout arithmatic operation and without loop

Here is algo: 1. Receive A and B as input. 2. if A or B is zero then goto step 8. 3. xor_a_b = A^B 4. and_a_b = A & B << 1 5. A = xor_a_b 6. B = and_a_b 7. goto step 2 8. Print non zero value of A, B Lets try doing some example to understand how things work with above logic A | B | A^B | A&B|A&B<<1 2  | 3 | 01     | 10| 100 1 | 4 | 101|0|0 0|5 If Any of operand is zero, return other operand which is Sum. So 5 is answer. Let try with other arguments A | B | A^B | A&B|A&B<<1 5  | 7 | 010    | 101| 1010 2 | 10 | 1000|10|100 8|4|1100|0|0 12|0 So operand 2 is zero, so result is 12.

[JAVA]Lazy vs eager Loading

JVM loads referenced classes which have not been linked to runtime system. There are two ways classes are linked with runtime 1. Initial Class files 2. Policy based either eager or lazy. Eager loads all the classes at startup of program execution. Lazy loading will load classes when actually needed i.e. a) Instance of class is created. b) subclass is initialized. c) One of static field initialized. Feel free to add your comments.